We shape the world of logistics with a strong determination to connect people and goods through innovative and sustainable logistics solutions. Every day, we go above and beyond to meet the needs of our customers. By anticipating challenges and applying our visionary mindset, we advance global trade and bring communities together.

Our story

In 1890, August Kuehne and Friedrich Nagel founded a freight forwarding company in Bremen, Germany. Over the last 130 years, Kuehne+Nagel has evolved from a traditional shipping company to a global logistics partner that offers highly specialised solutions for major industries worldwide.

​​​​​Today, Kuehne+Nagel is headquartered in Switzerland, with a presence all over the world. We focus our business on the most essential element: the needs of our customers.

400 000

customers trust us to manage their logistics.


offices worldwide, so that we are close to our customers.


countries, connected by our network.

Over 81,000

logistics and supply chain professionals who give their best everyday.

No. 1

mondial des transitaires maritimes et aériens.
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A common purpose: Delivering progress to society

We believe in contributing to the world around us and thus being a part of something greater. As a logistics partner, we see ourselves as part of the big picture, bringing people and communities all over the world closer together. That is why we dedicate our time to ensuring that people all over the world have access to what powers their businesses and lives, from technical components, medication and perishables to urgent spare parts for an aircraft.

We strive to have a positive impact on the world around us by working towards sustainable logistics. Our Net Zero Carbon initiative aims to achieve carbon neutrality for our sea freight shipments by 2030.  

We seek to make a difference today, for the people of tomorrow. Since 1890, we’ve been committed to delivering progress to society. And as the world around us changes, that commitment stays the same.

Our strategic approach: Customers first.

Nous contribuons à la rêussite commerciale de chacun de nos clients, que ce soit en mettant en place une chaîne logistique efficace pour une PME (petite à moyenne entreprise) de haute technologie à Hong Kong, en permettant une visibilitê et un contrôle complets des envois grâce à nos plateformes intuitives, ou en assurant l'arrivêe en temps voulu d'un envoi de fleurs à son destinataire à Glasgow.

Afin de dêvelopper des solutions nouvelles et adaptêes, nous collaborons êtroitement avec les industries et les entreprises et utilisons les technologies les plus rêcentes. Cette proximitê avec nos clients nous permet de dêvelopper des solutions flexibles tout en offrant une tranquillitê d'esprit à toutes les parties. Par exemple, notre solution de chaîne logistique intêgrêe de bout en bout pour l'industrie pharmaceutique et les soins de santê s'est avêrêe efficace face aux exigences spêcifiques de cette industrie hautement rêglementêe.

En concevant des solutions qui rêpondent aux demandes en constante êvolution des consommateurs, nous reprêsentons le partenaire qui donne corps à vos promesses audacieuses.

Kuehne+Nagel est fier d'être reconnu comme un leader de la logistique mondiale et classé comme le plus visionnaire dans le Magic Quadrant 2020 de Gartner pour les fournisseurs de logistique tiers. Cette reconnaissance valide notre approche pour remettre en question le statu quo et développer des solutions innovantes pour nos clients.

Our source of inspiration: Our colleagues.

Change is created by those who see the future as clearly as the present, who anticipate the challenges of tomorrow today, who are unwilling to accept routine when reinvention is required. These are the people who work at Kuehne+Nagel. Resourceful, diligent, thorough. Our work ethic is built on ceaseless hard work and dedication to our craft, as well as a commitment to the promises we make. It is due to this diligence that we can have more than 400,000 happy customers.  Empathy and credibility inform the choices we make every day. 

Together, we build a company culture that puts humans at the heart of everything we do – a company that is as great to work for, as it is to work with.
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